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Post selection procedure

If I am selected, will I receive an official document?

Yes. The coordinating University (Saint-Etienne) will send you an email confirming your pre-selection by the MaCLands consortium (early March).  The European Commission will confirm your selection and your scholarship late March, early April.

If I accept your offer, does this mean I am committed to start the MaCLands programme?

Your acceptance at this stage ensures you a place on the MaCLands programme.  Your selection will then be checked and confirmed by the European Commission.  However, if you have applied to several Erasmus Mundus Masters, you have until the European Commission’s confirmation to make your final choice of Masters. Remember, you can apply to a maximum of 3 EM Masters.  It is important that you decide which programme you would like to participate in so someone else on the reserve list can also be given a place.

How can I send you my answer ?

An email is enough.

When will I know whether or not I am granted the Erasmus Mundus scholarship ?

As soon as the Executive Agency of the European Commission has checked and approved the lists sent by the consortium (usually March or April).

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