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Partner universities
Saint-Etienne University, France
FRANCE: IERP, Institut des Etudes Régionales et des Patrimoines
Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne. Coordinating institution.
Faculté Sciences Humaines et Sociales. (Equipe d'Accueil 3723).
Direction: Pr Jacqueline BAYON
IERP has focused its scientific themes on pre-industrial and industrial worlds, from modern times to 21st century (pre-industrial and industrial societies and cultures / genesis and transformation of the domains of modernity / memory processes and heritage project). Since 2003, IERP (the University’s oldest laboratory) has been a resource laboratory for the School of Human and Social Sciences Masters course, section Territories, Heritage, Environment, specialization Research Heritage and Professional Heritage, on which the Erasmus Mundus Masters course is based. IERP is also a resource laboratory for the research specialization Modern and contemporary times history.
Napoli Univsersity, Italy
ITALY: Università Federico II
CITTAM - Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca per lo Studio delle Tecniche Tradizionali nell'Area Mediterranea.
Direction : Pr Marina FUMO.
CITTAM is a research centre, created in 1990 (Decreto Rettoriale n. 9570 del 10 dicembre 1990 ai sensi dell'art. 89 del D.P.R. 382/1980). Its objective is collecting cultural and operational contributions from technicians and researchers who work in this field, in order to lay down future perspectives of development and valorisation of the material, bearing in mind cultural, environmental and technological problems, and their economic implications.
Polytechnic University of Tomar
PORTUGAL: Polytechnic University
The Polytechnic University of Tomar is a relatively young institution. Its history dates back to the beginning of 1973, when it was created by a ministerial decree but it was only in 1982 that installation of the School of Technology was possible. In 1986, the first bachelor degrees were created and classes held in an old building in the centre of town using laboratories located in several spots around the city. Finally, in 1992 it moved to a new campus, over 10 hectares in size. On 1st January 1997, it obtained permanent independent establishment status, housing three schools: the School of Technology and the School of Management at Tomar and the School of Technology at Abrantes. The Polytechnic University comprises of two campuses: the main campus in Tomar and the Abrantes campus (in the city of Abrantes). Today, about 4500 members are integrated into our academic community: 4000 of them are students, 300 are teachers and 125 are technical and administrative staff.